Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Fact on CTI and Agriculture

Tyre pressures on tractors are always a compromise. Higher pressures are required for transport needs or load carrying, like front end loaders, or carrying round bales. But lower pressures are far better where traction is needed, and lower compaction is important. Central Tyre Inflation is used on farms in Europe already, with many in the USA trying it too. As our farming community realize the damage that compaction does to their income producing ground, and the amount wasted on fuel and tyre slip, CTI will become more important. Farmers will insist that contractors use intelligent and kind pressures when working their land. And, contractors and big farmers will realize that they can’t afford the waste of not using AIR to their advantage. Proven by:

*Average ride improvement of 99%, ranged from 18 to 22% improved. USDA Agric. Research
*CTIS would improve the health and alertness of operators, and extend the time that they could effectively and safely operate the vehicle, USDA Agric. Research
*Rolling Resistance on soft ground reduced to less than half. University of Hamburg
*Tractor ride quality at lower speeds were 177% ASAE
*Correct tyre inflation leads to an increase of working speed of about 7%, reduction in fuel consumption of 6.6%, and an average increase of crop of 2.1%. University of Agriculture Machinery, Germany
*Tyre slip reduced from 16% to 6.5% at the same load. Univ. of Ag. Germany
*When towing a trailer, reduction of rolling resistance of 10.5% U of Ag. Germany
PROFIT Farm Machinery Reports reported when CTI is used:
*Tyre wear reduced by 50%.
*Reduced need to fit extra wide rubber.
*Traction increases.
*Increased draw bar pull of around 30%.
*Fuel consumption reduced 5 to 10% per ha.
*With a Slurry tank or silage wagon;
*Rolling resistance lower as much as 16% on road and in the field.
*Should result in fuel savings of up to 15%
*They go on to say “It is in every farmer’s best interest to protect the soil.”
*Smaller tractor or lighter tractor may be able to do the job, saving money and compaction. *American Society of Agricultural Eng.
*Tractor tyres should show up to a 20% sidewall deflection or bulge when correctly inflated.

Kansas State university reports:
*45 less wheel slip by reducing pressure from 16.5 to 10 psi.”
*10% reduction of fuel used”
*“Quicker operations”
*“Improved ride, increased tyre life, reduced compaction.”
*Minnesota Dept of Natural Resources tested on a tractor and trailer reported:
*Improved comfort
*Less maintenance of tracks
*Increased productivity
*Increased yields
*Less fuel consumption
*Improved tyre life
*7% less slip
*11.3% less rolling resistance

AIR CTI Central Tyre Inflation is well engineered, affordable, and easy to use. The many advantages outweigh any disadvantages by 10 to 1. Contractors need to control their costs, and constantly improve their services to remain competitive. CTI reduces costs, improves mobility, reduces trip times and job times, and improves the job performed, while reducing any negative paddock damage. Many benefits are cumulative. For instance, it takes more energy to plow a compacted soil. And, CTI provides more tractive power with less wheel slip. Hence, less energy is required (plows follow your tyre that is compacting the soil), and you have more traction, with less wheel slip. You win twice. Think about it.

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