Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Too Much Food Hurts You - Too Much Air Pressure Hurts You Too

The correct amount of food makes us work at our optimal level. If we eat too much, we feel bloated, we slow down, our bodies suffer, our work suffers, and our longevity suffers. It’s the same with tyres. The correct amount of air pressure is mandatory. Too much air, and traction decreases, tyre life decreases, bumps are amplified causing unnecessary suspension and vehicle wear and tear, and damages the driver. With too much air, wheel slip increases, axle tramp and tyre bounce increases, and fuel is wasted. And over 90% of you will have too much air in your tyres. It doesn’t matter whether you’re in a car, a truck, or a tractor, too much air will cost you heaps.
Poor handling and poor braking can end in a life threatening disaster. Poor handling increases driver workload and stress. Rough riding has been proven to damage humans. Poor ride also slows down the job. Excess wheel slip wastes fuel, wastes rubber, and slows down the job. Not only is rubber ripped off, but tyre damage is 3 times higher. Staking, major tyre damage and blow outs are more symptoms of incorrect tyre pressure. So, what is your tyre pressures?
What, in fact, is the correct tyre pressure? No, it’s not the pressure written on the tyre, nor is it the pressure in the owner’s book. Not unless you operate your vehicle at the maximum weight at the maximum legal speed on highways, at all times. The correct tyre pressure must be matched to the actual tyre load. Change the load, change the pressure, or it will be incorrect, and cost you money. Change the surface, change the pressure. Change the use, change the pressure. Or it does cost you money.
Contractors, big farmers, high use tractors, log trucks, service trucks, low loaders, farm trucks, incorrect use of your tyres is costing you big dollars. If you travel between farms, drive tractors on roads, change implements, or if your truck regularly travels on gravel roads or worse, if wheel slip is a problem, your tyres don’t last long enough, or you need extra traction, Central Tyre Inflation (CTI) will make, and will save you money.

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